We have discovered a new way to use the ipads in class. This is a learning adventure for all of us! We used the app called Scribble Press. We will be using this a lot in class. I am going to have students use it to create a book on the ipads. The cool part is that you can go on it from your home computer (any computer with internet access will work). As a family you can print off your child's stories or help your child develop as a writer by fixing up the work together. Help your child with punctuation, capitals, complete sentences and generating ideas. The website is http://scribblepress.com/. You can access any story we do in class and you can make your own from home. I will email you when we create something in class that you can upload at home. The username is sfrater and the password is otters. We did one practice sample writing How To passages. The handwriting part needs a little work so we are going to type them or work on being neater. We will get better as we get more comfortable using the ipads as writing tools.
We have started a challenging math chapter. Students need to really understand their tens facts. Here is a fun video that will help: Making 10 Video
Remember our special Valentine's Day concert is on February 14th in the afternoon. We will be celebrating the 100th day of school in the morning. Grandparents or a special adult are invited to attend festivities after the concert with your child. Your child will have a snack with their special friend, open valentine's, and do a craft. Everyone is welcome to watch the concert. Please let me know if you have any questions!
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