Friday, November 2, 2012

It's November!!!!

Happy Friday!  Today we had Mrs. Lewin come in and read "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" and then the class got to make cookies on our ipads!  The app is called cookie maker and it is FREE!  It was really fun for the kids.  Here is the link: Cookie Maker App

  This week has been a busy one!  We had a police officer come to our school on Monday and teach us about safety for Halloween.  Mason got to try out the handcuffs!  
 We had our Fall Holiday Party.  It was really fun to see everyone in their costumes.

We finished our rock unit yesterday.  Thank you for sending so many beautiful rocks.  Lilly and her family made rock candy after watching it in a rock movie at school.  Lilly brought hers in to share and her mom, Megan, gave us the link:  Rock Candy Video.   If you have time, give it a try!

Ava has been busy practicing her words with her window crayons.  If you are looking for a fun gift for your child that will help them practice their words, this is a great idea.  They are with the regular crayons at Target/Wal-Mart.  They wipe right off!  Here is a picture that Ava's family sent me:

We only have 2 weeks until Thanksgiving break and conferences.  Please have your child come with to conferences if you are able.  It is really fun to share the great things we have done and it helps them to hear what they need to work on.  In math we will continue to work on subtraction.  Make up word problems as a family and challenge each other!

Abigail is starring in a play "The Little Mermaid".  If you and your family would like to watch Abigail perform, here is the link:  The Little Mermaid Play

1 comment:

  1. I had a lot of fun helping at the party! You are all such a joy to hang out with at school. Jack downloaded the cookie app and is having fun playing it.
