Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Happy Snow Day!  I can't believe how much snow we got today.  We have been busy again at school and at home learning.  This is such a great time of year at school for so many reasons.  We are all developing into such strong readers.  The progress is huge compared to when they walked into first grade.  We also are such a strong family at this point too!  

Ellie created this video with the "Lights, Camera, Action" take home bag and she wanted to share it!
Beach fun with long e and short e words!

Major did a great science project with the "Scientist Bag".  

Cartoonist Duane Barnhart teaches the kids how to draw a superhero.  He came to our school on February 26th.  He was amazing!  The kids loved him and have been drawing like him since.  He has many YouTube videos if you put his name in.  You can learn how to draw many different things.  I have linked a video on how to draw an alien below.


cartoonist Duane Barnhart draws an alien

Last summer I went to a workshop on using ipads in the classroom and learned about this app: 100's chart.  This is a great help to teach number sense and reinforce number skills that your child may have already.  We are going into the next math chapter this week of place value again.  Using a 100's chart with your child helps so much.  Looking for patterns, asking them to locate numbers (find the number that is 5 tens and 7 ones, or find the number that is 2 tens more then 67) and practicing counting backwards from 120 are great things to practice.  We have to test on counting backwards from 120 soon.  If your child cannot do this, please practice.  Here's a link to a 100's chart for you if you don't have the ones that I sent home previously.  Number Chart